The Climate Dialogue Group
In the Summer of 2021, a group of Climate Activists was introduced through mutual connections with another group of Bohm Dialogue practitioners. Bohm Dialogue is an approach to discourse in groups where there may be strong differences and polarization. This is a process that is focused on communicating across boundaries and finding shared meaning and co-creative, solutions. With the tens of thousands of Climate Initiatives active throughout the world, our objective is to use the Dialogue process to reach across the silos of these many initiatives in the search for aligned action.
The Climate Dialogue Group is committed to these collaborative Climate Action results and to model the power of Dialogue to the broader public.
Learn more by clicking here.
The Academy of Professional Dialogue
Academy of Professional Dialogue is an International non-profit charity, developing Dialogue as a profession in service of the wellbeing of society.
Linda Ellinor served as Vice President on the board of US Academy and co-facilitates a monthly speaker series which brings together the broader Dialogue community and experts on various topics related to Bohm-inspired Dialogue. Watch past interviews from this series by clicking here.
The Organization Development Network (ODN)
Linda presented a session on June 3rd, 2021 with two colleagues on how the culture was changed at the Virginia Department of Corrections (VADOC) using Dialogue. Harold Clarke, the Director, tells his story of how he transformed a very fragmented culture of VADOC into a healing environment for staff and the 30,00 inmate population they house. It is a true, break-through story for the profession of organization development combining visionary leadership with Bohm-inspired Dialogue to sustain and integrate the vision – becoming embedded into the culture.
Global Monthly Dialogue
If you have experiential background in Bohm-inspired Dialogue and would be interested in learning more about an on-going practice group that meets monthly, please let us know by signing up below. Either Linda or her co-facilitator, Beth Macy, will be in touch with you.
This is a group that has been meeting for over 3 years now. We try experiment each month with new approaches and different topics. This is a global group with participants from Europe, the US and S. America. We typically meet Thursdays in the AM Pacific time.
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Communication training, consulting and facilitation to change our world inspired by the principles of Bohm Dialogue