A Participative Webinar with Lee Nichol
Lee Nichol has been involved in Bohmian dialogue since 1986, and worked directly with David Bohm from 1980 to 1992. He is editor of Bohm’s On Dialogue, On Creativity, and The Essential David Bohm. He has been on the faculty of the Oak Grove School in Ojai, CA; the Tibetan Nyingma Institute in Berkeley, CA; and Denver University in Denver, CO.
Lee is currently facilitating Entering Bohm’s Holoflux, an experiential approach to Bohm’s worldview, sponsored by the Pari Center in Pari, Italy. “Holoflux” is a term Bohm used to describe the nature and movement of all manifest existence –the wholeness of the cosmos. From a Bohmian perspective, dialogue can be used to link the individual, collective, and cosmic aspects of the human being.
When we take this full-spectrum view of Bohmian dialogue, we move out of an algorithmic, results-oriented process, and into a much more inclusive inquiry into the fundamental nature of the human being.
Lee and his wife Eva Casey live in Albuquerque, New Mexico.